Click on the link below to read this weeks club notes including pictures of the major prizewinners from the Men’s Presentation Night held at the weekend.

- Saturday night brought down the curtain to the men’s season with a superb presentation night in Murphy’s Bar. We would like to Thank our sponsors who have helped us this season, Murphy’s Bar & Restaurant, Eclipse Cinemas, SC Developments and McGrady Scullion Solicitors.
- The main prize winners on Saturday night were:

- The ladies team welcome Portadown Ladies to Dunleath Park tonight in a league fixture, kick off is 7.30pm.
- This Friday nights sees the Youth Presentation in Murphy’s Bar, the evening commences at 7.00pm, all players are asked to be there at 6.50pm and enter the premises via the Night Club entrance on Market Street. Parents are welcome to stay with the players.
- This Sunday sees the final Mini Soccer session in the Red High for the season, it’s been a great privilege to be part of these sessions, the Downpatrick Youth League are to be commended on this format.